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Copyright acknowledgement

Updated: 30 September 2024


This product is derived, in part, from the products and with the permission of the hydrographic offices of: Ecuador (INOCAR), Estonia (TRASNPORDIAMET), Latvia (MAL), Mexico (SEMAR), Poland (BHMW), South Africa (SANHO), Egypt (EHND), Indonesia (PUSHIDROSAL), Türkiye (DNHO), Survey of Israel, Ukraine (SHSU), Brazil (EMGEPRON), Canada (CHS), Norway (NMA), Philippines (NAMRIA), Singapore (MPA), US Corps of Engineers (USACE), US Geological Survey (USGS), National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), US Office of Coastal Survey (NOS), US National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA), and the following publishers: Persikal Cvba, Delius Klasig Verlag GmbH,  Sea Hun610 Kft., Baikal Charts, Abris Llc, Imray Laurie Nore & Wilson Ltd., Raymarine Fishing Hot Spots, Way Point Technologies,  Lewis Offshore Ltd., Azienda Regionale per la Navigazione Interna (ARNI), Eagleray - Panagiotis IIlias, Military Cartographic Company of Poland,  Rijkswaterstaat Netherlands, NationaalGeoRegister Netherlands, Regione Veneto (Italy), Regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Italy), Regione Emilia Romagna (Italy), MaxiMapa, The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry – ONMNRF(Canada), U.S. Department of the Interior – Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), Oregon State University (USA), Government of Alberta (Canada), Alberta Energy Regulator and Geological Survey (Canada), Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment (Canada), British Columbia Ministry of Environment (Canada), Quebec Ministere du Environement (Canada), University of Hawaii at Manoa, SOEST - Multibeam bathymetry (USA). Club Nautique du Lac Abitibi (Canada), Texas Water Development Board (USA), SWISSTOPO- Federal Office of Topography (Switzerland), Wasser- und Schiffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes (Germany). North Dakota Fish and Game Department (USA), Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (USA), Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks (USA), University of Idaho (USA),  New York State Dept. of Environmental Conservation (USA), “Atlas: the Louisiana Statewide GIS”. LSU Department of Geography and Anthropology (Baton Rouge, USA),  Port of Switzerland, Slovak Water Management Company (Slovakia), Serbia - Ministry of  Construction Transport and Infrastructure, Minnesota Dept. of Natural Resources (MnTOPO), Agencija za vodne putove (Croatian Waterways Agency), National Navigation Authority - Waterways CZ, Viadonau (Austria), Voies Navegable de France, Danube Research and Maintenance   Executive Agency (Bulgaria), Tidetech Commercial Marine (Australia), Surfcheck (Netherlands), Fish-N-Map Inc. (USA), St. Johns River Water Management District (USA), Florida Department of Transportation – Office of Surveying and Mapping (USA). Bureau of Geographic Information (MassGIS), Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Executive Office of Technology and Security Services (USA), University of New Hampshire – CCOM (USA), New Jersey Dept. of Environmental Protection (USA), University of South Florida (USA), Ohio Department of Natural Resources (USA),  Iowa Department of Natural Resources (USA), Illinois Department of Natural Resources (USA), Indiana Geological and Water Survey (USA), New Hampshire Dept. of Environmental Services (USA), ICM_CSIC Institute for Marine Sciences (Spain), Instituto Español de Oceanografia (Spain), Ministerio para la Transicion Ecologica y el Reto Demografico (Spain), Institute for Ocean and Atmosphere – IPMA (Portugal), National Institute for Marine Research and Development – NIMRD (Romania), IFREMER/ GM-Marine Geosciences (France), SC Marine Research SRL (Romania),




Certain hydrographic information in this product is © Commonwealth of Australia and © Gippsland Ports Committee of Management Inc. and is used under licence with the permission of The Australian Hydrographic Office and Gippsland Ports Committee of Management Inc.  All rights reserved. Apart from the uses permitted to the licensee under the licence, the information may not be modified or exploited by reverse engineering of formats and encryption or copied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part.

© State of Queensland Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing - 2013

© This product incorporates data which is Commonwealth of Australia (Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority)

© Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia) – 2020

© Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) 2015-2017

Data was sourced from the Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) – IMOS is a national collaborative research infrastructure, supported by Australian Government.

State of Victoria Environment, Land, Water and Planning (Spatial Datamart) – CC BY 4.0

Maritime Safety   Queensland – CC BY 4.0

© State of Queensland (Department of Environment and Science) 2020 – CC BY 4.0

© State Government of NSW and Department of Planning, Industry and Environment 2019" – CC BY 4.0

State of Western Australia – Department of Transport – C.C. BY 4.0

New South Wales Roads and Maritime Services

New South Wales Office of Environment and Heritage

New South Wales Department of Primary Industries

State of Victoria Government

Government of Australia – Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment. Collaborative Australian Protected Area Database (CAPAD)  – C.C. BY 4.0

© C.C. BY 4.0




Agency for Maritime and Coastal Services( Contains government information obtained under  the model license for free reuse FlandersV.10

De Vlaamse Waterweg

Flanders Marine Institute (www.marineregions.og) C.C. BY 4.0

Havenbedrijf Antwerpen NV (van publiek recht)



All aerial photos of small craft harbours have been reproduced under licence with the permission of the Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, 2005, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0S5 All rights reserved. © His Majesty the King in Right of Canada.

© Societè des establissement de plain air du Quebec – SEPAQ (Canada) C.C. BY 4.0



Chart data distributed by C-MAP is based on China NGD official charts information


            UK and Custodianship Organisations:


This producthas been derived in part from material obtained from the UK Hydrographic Office with the permission of the UK Hydrographic Office, the  Keeper of Public Records and the following authorities:  Hvratski Hidrografski Institute  (HHI), Instituto Hidrográfico de la Marina, Servicio de Hidrografia Naval (SHN), Malta Maritime Authority (MMA), The Hydrographic Service of the Royal Netherlands Navy (NHLS), Vlaamse Hydrografie (VH), Hydrographic Department of the Icelandic Coast Guard Hydrographic Department (ICGHD), National Hydrographic Office Sultanate of Oman (NHOSO), Maritime Authority of Suriname (MAS), Instituto Hidrografico Portugal (IHPT).

© Hvratski Hidrografski Institute  (HHI)2018. All rights reserved

© Instituto Hidrográfico de la Marina, 2017. All rights reserved.

© Servicio de Hidrografia Naval (SHN)2018. All rights reserved

© Malta Maritime Authority (MMA)2018. All rights reserved

© The Hydrographic Service of the Royal Netherlands Navy (NHLS)2018. All rights reserved

© Vlaamse Hydrografie (VH) 2018. All rights reserved

© Icelandic Coast Guard Hydrographic Department (ICGHD) 2019. All rights reserved

© National Hydrographic Office Sultanate of Oman (NHOSO) 2020. All rights reserved.

© Maritime Authority of Suriname (MAS) 2022. All rights reserved

© Instituto Hidrografico Portugal (IHPT) 2024. All rights reserved.

© British Crown Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.

© National Library of Scotland C.C. BY 4.0


Ordnance Survey of Great Britain

This product contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government licence V.30.



This product is based on data received from the Danish Geodata Agency, file number 320-0002



EMODnet Bathymetry Consortium (2018): EMODnet Digital Bathymetry (DTM).


Data were provided through SeaDataNet Pan-European infrastructure for ocean and marine data management




© Finnish Transport Agency license nr. FTA628/070301/2018

© National Land Survey of Finland C.C. BY 4.0



Ce produit integer des donnés © SHOM – mises à jour du mois/année – reproduites avec l’autorisation n°67/2024

Société de Géographie – Atlas des lacs Pyrénées



GEBCO Compilation Group (2020) GEBCO 2020 Grid (doi:10.5285/a29c5465-b138-234d-e053-6c86abc040b9)



Manufactured using data supplied by Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH, Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of Germany) [Licenses no.1112/002/2019-06 and no.1112/002/2019-05]

The EasyGSH-DB products and metadata were obtained from the EasyGSH-DB portal C.C. BY 4.0

Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, PANGAEA C.C. BY 4.0



The chart information in this product is reproduced with the permission of the Hellenic Navy Hydrographic Service (licence no. 859.1/2/1405/S.371/02-03-23)


Hong Kong:

 © The government of the Hong Kong SAR



© Geological Survey of Ireland – data obtained under C.C. BY 4.0

© INFOMAR. Contains Irish Public Sector Data (Geological Survey Ireland & Marine Institute) licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence



© Regione Umbria C.C. BY 4.0

Istituto Idrografico della Marina

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Istituto Scienze Marittime. C.C. BY 4.0

Consorzio LAMMA – Toscana. C.C. BY 4.0

Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Scienze del Mare C.C.BY 4.0

Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale C.C. BY 4.0

Dipartimento della Protezione Civile C.C. BY 4.0



The 1/10,000 Japanese Lake Maps were used in this product under the approval of GIS Director General. Approval number Heisei25JHOSHI#41

Japan Coast Guard Approval No.262516」 (A publication similar to the charts per article 25 of Law for Hydrographic Activities)


New Zealand

Certain hydrographic information in this product is Crown Copyright ©; and is used under licence with the permission of Land Information New Zealand.  All rights reserved.

Apart from those uses permitted to the licensee under licence, the information may not be modified or exploited by reverse engineering of formats and encryption or copied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or part.

© Land Information New Zealand C.C. BY 4.0

New Zealand Department of Conservation Wākhatane – C.C. BY 4.0



© Netherland’s Cadastre Land Registry and Mapping Agency (


©  Beeldmateriaal Nederland C.C. BY 4.0

© IMWA Waterschappen Kunstwerken C.C. 1.0

© Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties



Norwegian Hydrographic Service, license no NO 01/012018/1

© Kartverket/ «© Norwegian Mapping Authority



© Swedish Maritime Administration  license nr.18-02834

© Hydrographica AB

© Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) C.C. BY 4.0


South Africa

© Council for Geoscience 2022. Portions of this work include intellectual property of the COUNCIL FOR GEOSCIENCE and are used herein by permission. Copyright and all rights reserved by the said COUNCIL.



UP42 GmbH - © CNES 2020 – Distribution AIRBUS DS;

Sentinel-2 cloudless -  by EOX IT Services GmbH (Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2019);

Air Photos Plus Inc.;

U.S. Department of Agriculture – Farm Service Agency (NAIP)



US Navy Research Lab (NRL);

British Oceanographic Data Centre (Natural Environment Research Council);